北九州高専 水野研究室の紹介。2012年からのニュースなど。微生物の研究活動、研究室のイベント、学会活動、共同研究者、卒業生など。News from Mizuno laboratory of Kitakyushu National College since 2012.Researches on microorganisms, lab events, conferences, alumni, collaborators, etc.Join our community!http://c-chem.kct.ac.jp/mizuno/mizuno/top.htmlhttps://twitter.com/miz91937370https://www.facebook.com/kouhei.mizuno.39https://researchmap.jp/read0072298
News from Mizuno laboratory of Kitakyushu National College since 2012.
Researches on microorganisms, lab events, conferences, alumni, collaborators, etc.
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Our new project on cave bacteria has begun. We are screening cave isolates to check a certain optical feature or life cycle, might be a sign of evolution toward multicellular life.